- A Certain Ratio
- A Challenge of Honour
- A Killer's Confession
- A Life Divided
- A Pale Horse Named Death
- A Pale Moon
- A Spectre Is Haunting Europe
- A Spell Inside
- A Split-Second
- à;GRUMH...
- A.D.A.C. 8286
- A.D.S.
- A.F.I.
- A.N.P.
- A.R.E. Weapons
- A.T.R.O.X.
- Abney Park
- Abonos
- Aborym
- Abruptum
- Abscess
- Absent Minded
- Absurd Minds
- Abu Nein
- Accessory
- Accurst
- Acid Bats
- AciDrome
- Acprjct
- Acretongue
- Action Pact
- Acumen Nation
- Ad Inferna
- Ad Vitam Aeternam
- Adam and the Ants
- Adam Drew
- Adaro
- Adbaloons
- Add N to (X)
- Adele
- Adiaphora
- Adivarius
- Adult.
- Adversus
- Aelfheim
- Aenima
- Aeon Sable
- Aeons Confer
- Aeronautica
- Aesthetic Perfection
- Aeverium
- After Darkness
- After Forever
- Agalloch
- Agatha Christie
- Agathodaimon
- Age of Heaven
- Agent Side Grinder
- Aghast
- Aghast View
- Agnis
- Agonoize
- Ah Cama-Sotz
- Ahab
- Aiden
- Aikaryu
- Ain Soph
- Ain Soph/Sigillum S
- Aion
- Aircrash Bureau
- Akalotz
- Aktivate Sin
- Alan Vega
- Alan Walker
- Alastis
- Alcest
- Alev
- Alfahanne
- Alice in Videoland
- Alice Nine
- Alien Sex Fiend
- Alien Vampires
- Alienare
- Alio Die
- Alio Die & Lorenzo Montana
- Alive with Worms
- All About Eve
- All Gone Dead
- All:my:faults
- Alle Sterne Sterben
- Allerseelen
- Allied Vision
- Allwald
- Almora
- Alphamay
- Alta Fox
- Altar of Plagues
- Alter der Ruine
- Alter Ego
- Altered States
- Amandas Nadel
- Amaurot
- Amber
- Amber Asylum
- Amduscia
- Amenta,the
- American Plague
- Amesoeurs
- Amethystium
- amGod
- Amnistia
- Amon Amarth
- Amor de Madre
- Amorphis
- Amygdala
- An Cafe
- Anathema
- Ancestral Legacy
- Anchorage
- And Also the Trees
- And One
- And Then She Came
- Anders Manga
- Andi Sexgang
- Andrea Haugen
- Android Lust
- Andy Swan
- Anenzephalia
- Angel's Arcana
- Angelic Foe
- Angelical Tears
- Angellore
- Angelo
- Angels & Agony
- Angels of Light
- Angelspit
- Angizia
- Angtoria
- Anima Virus
- Anna Lux
- Annabelle’s Garden
- Anndes
- Anne Clark
- Annwn
- Anomally
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Anthony Phillips
- Antic Cafe
- Antichrisis
- Antigen Shift
- Antimatter
- Antiworld
- Apartment 26
- Apexys
- Apocalyptica
- Apollyon Sun
- Apoptose
- Apoptygma Berzerk
- Åpostol
- Après La Nuit
- April Weeps
- Apryl
- Aquilus
- Aranea Peel
- Arcana
- Arcana Moon
- Arcana Obscura
- Archon Satani
- Arctic Plateau
- Arcturus
- Ardente
- Arditi
- Ardours
- Area
- Argentum
- Argine
- Argyle Goolsby
- Ari Benjamin Meyers
- Ari Mason
- Arkaea
- Armageddon Dildos
- Armed
- Army of in Between
- Art Abscons
- Art Marju Duchain
- Artemis
- Artery
- Artesia
- Arthur Baker Vs New Order
- Artrosis
- Arts and Decay
- Artwork
- Artwork/feelsaitig/embryo
- Arven
- As Able As Kane
- As All Die
- As Divine Grace
- Ascetic
- Asche
- Ash Code
- Ashbury Heights
- Ashes You Leave
- Ashestoangels
- Ashram
- Askara
- Asmodeus X
- Asmodi Bizarr
- Asrai
- Asriel
- Assemblage 23
- Associates
- Astral Doors
- Astral Planes
- Astrovamps
- Asylum Party
- Atame
- Ataraxia
- Atargatis
- Atari Teenage Riot
- Athletic Automaton
- Atilla The Hvn
- Atmssphero
- Atomic Neon
- Atrax Morgue
- Atriarch
- Atrocity
- Atrophia Red Sun
- Atrox
- Atrox neX
- Attonitus
- Attrition
- Au Pairs
- Audiocall
- Audra
- Auf Erden
- Aural Vampire
- Aurelio Voltaire
- Aurora
- Aurora Sutra
- Aurora y la Academia
- Ausgang
- Austra
- Auto & Cherokee
- Auto Aggression
- Auto Auto
- Auto Da Fe
- Auto Interiors
- Auto-Auto
- Auto,Sergej
- Autopsia
- Autumn
- Autumn Blaze
- Autumn Cathedral
- Autumn Clan
- Autumn Tears
- Autumn's Grey Solace
- Autumnal
- Autumnblaze
- Ava Inferi
- Avant-Garde
- Avantasia
- Avatar
- Avenue D
- Avrigus
- Axiome
- Ayria
- Azure Mortal